
Lets Pretend It's Warm

* I am wearing red shirt with yellow triangle embroidery from a Japanese inspired fashion store ( only $10), Aviators <3, leather vintage black low cowboy boots, royal blue peach skin headband AA, and MJ inspired gold zipper jack from Forever 21 ( best jacket ever)

Fashion school students pretending it's warm outside for a little style pic session. Well it wasn't super cold, but there was A LOT of wind. So it definitely felt like it. Our day consumed of walking around downtown east and scoping out the new vintage shops. My friend Aleya and I both got new wicked accessories. I cannot wait for the shopping in California!! I am leaving in 9 days. ~WARMTH~. It is so surreal, everything is going to change.


  1. Such A Fun Day ! Fashion Is Life. I Was Cold But Beauty Is Pain. Sacrificing Comfort For Fashion, Any Day ! Loving The Accessories !

  2. I love you're red shirt, cool collar!
