Escapism Paris Fashion Week 2011 Couture
I recently came across Iris Van Herpen reading another fashion blog. Those shoes from the collection called, Crystallization, made me pause and stop in excitement. I stared at those shoes for a good 20 min, just taking in the design and the make. How does one string leather so finely and intricately to make detailed clothes and shoes out of leather? WTF!!! As you can see in the first collection I posted, Mummification, Iris not only strings pieces completely out of leather, but the collection has a close connection to Egypt, hence the title of the collection Mummification. The Egyptians did the process of embalming a body, wrapping it in strips of linen and leaving it in the desert, so the body stays life-like is mummification. Image 3 in collection one shows a perfect example! You see a use of leather in all 3 collections and 3D designs.
In Crystallization, Iris was inspired by water for this collection. The flexibility and transparency of water, which comes across in her designs in this collection. She collaborated with architect Daniel Widrig for 3D printing. The collection is made with such symmetry and mathematical structures, for example in the ice crystals (check out her website click on her name ).
For this collection, Escapism, that debuted in Paris Fashion Week, Iris collaborated yet again with Daniel Widrig. More 3D printed dresses for all! This collection went into the depth of advanced digital design techniques for haute couture. A lot of the dresses are made of fiber-like elements, with minimized diameters that are light in weight, flexible and geometric. So the clothes are easy to wear. Image 1 of this collection, resembles a bird, wings of a bird. HMM.
Iris is definitely what I like to call, new wave design. Her designs are innovative in the technique and materials used. She combines fine handwork techniques with future design technology. She was born in the Netherlands in 1984 and started her own label, Iris Van Herpen in 2007. She had interned for Alexander McQueen in London and Claudy Jongsta in Amsterdam. She shows with her designs that fashion is artistic expression and wearable art pieces, as you can tell. Her pieces are timeless, that create movement, with structure and form. I only put up 3 of her collections, she has a lot more with amazing clothes in them. With shows all over Europe, Iris is a unpredictable storm taking over. Now my only question is will normal North Americans buy into this craftsmanship? Probably Not. Iris has blown every North American designer out of the water, except for the late Alexander McQueen. But she interned for him so that makes sense ;)
wonderful post