image 1 - cool new yorker with style in McCarren Park
image 2 - last day in BK, stylish gyal
striped candy cane head tie vintage, aviator shades vintage, feather necklace H&M, white sunflower shirt with frills - brooklyn vintage, value v shorts ( can't see but crazy zippers all over), gold bangle with white elephants all over - Brooklyn street sale, cowboy boots from salvation army brooklyn - yah I love Brooklyn
image 3- American Spirits cigs -
image 4 - my gyal Tam Bam (Twitter: @TAM_BAM) in NYC Hostel
image 5 - cool graffiti wall ( so upset, because I took cool pics of great graffiti that never made the cut on my disposable )
image 6- Faile Bitch Goddess
There are two places in the world right now, which both happen to be American States, that I am currently obsessed with. One of them is New York, more importantly the great borough known as BROOKLYN. I got the pleasure of taking a 10 day trip to New York City this summer, in late July. It was supposed to be 7 days, but I extended it longer, because Brooklyn is the shit. There is no other place in New York more popping than Brooklyn. The streets are filled with stylish people, good food, great music, cool art and fantastic street sales ERRYWHERE. From being homeless, not sleeping, underground scene and the nightlife are just a brief insight into my New York City trip. The city that NEVER SLEEPS, LITERALLY. The memories will live on forever, until I hit my next American Obsession; CALIFORNIA.